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Dear All

A new school for a new world — these words are an expression of our vision of creating a world-class, top business school in the heart of Europe. We’ve embarked on this journey with our students, alumni, colleagues, employees, and business partners. We are all united by the belief that world-class education is one of the best ways to make a positive impact on the future.

With our dreams in view, in May 2023, we established the KU Development Foundation, which manages the first endowment in Polish academia — which enables us to pursue our strategic goals. The profits generated will make it possible to invest in extensive scholarship and grant programmes, in the development of faculty or in unique research projects.
The new world we have in mind is a new socio-economic reality which is extremely challenging, but which also offers many opportunities and possibilities. It’s a reality where working closely with business is our focal point. I’m convinced that the unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the future — acting hand in hand with the best business school in Central and Eastern Europe — will be extremely relevant and interesting for you as well.

Kozminski Endowment Fund is more than an endowment. It is first and foremost people who are united by a common goal and a shared vision. Let’s work together to make a difference and have an impact.

Professor Grzegorz Mazurek, PhD, DSc
Rector of Kozminski University

Kozminski University Development Foundation

In order to further develop and support projects carried out as part of the strategic areas of development, following the example of the world’s best universities, we established the Kozminski University Development Foundation, whose main task is to manage the first endowment fund in Polish academia.
The KU Development Foundation was established in May 2023. An endowment fund is a continuously growing pool of funds that are invested, and only the profits made on a given investment are used by the supported to carry out its statutory activities.
The Foundation’s organisational structure and statutes guarantee security of the funds collected in perpetuity and the highest possible level of management transparency. Its investment policy is supervised by a Finance Committee whose members include prominent financial market experts. This way, we secure stable, long-term funding for the university’s future growth.

Żelazny Koźmiński to:

Taką uczelnię tworzymy z naszymi partnerami biznesowymi, przyjaciółmi i darczyńcami.Dołącz do nas!

KU Development Foundation — why was it established?

KU strategic objectives


Our ambition is to provide business education to those with the greatest potential. We want to be the university of choice for outstanding students from Poland and around the world. The cost of tuition fees and maintenance should never be an impediment for the ablest, even though quality education is expensive and non-public higher education institutions do not receive state subsidies that we could use. That’s why we come up with innovative scholarship/grant programmes at various levels of education, with the aim to support business leaders as well as companies and organisations.


The development opportunities offered to academics and researchers, but also to business practitioners involved with our university should be unique and add great value to their professional paths. In order to make them so, we offer mobility scholarships to enable our staff to gain experience at the best universities in the world and have foreign academics teach at KU under visiting contracts. Our goal is to become the university of choice not only for students, but also for outstanding academics.


Modern research projects must be innovative and interdisciplinary. They need to respond to real challenges faced by the world, society, and business. By adopting this perspective, we go beyond the framework of public procurement competitions and enable the pursuit of original, trailblazing research carried out by outstanding scientists from Poland and across the world. Our ambition is to make the university grow and excel as a research centre — to create a European hub for innovation, trends, and concepts, as well as a space for in-depth analysis that produces insights enabling the development of socially responsible business of the future.


Members of the Foundation Board

Sylwia Hałas-Dej, PhD

Professor Dorota Dobija, PhD, DSc

KU Professor Jacek Tomkiewicz, PhD, DSc

Paweł Wnuczak, PhD

Statut Fundacji

Celem Fundacji jest wspieranie realizowanej przez Akademię działalności naukowej, naukowo – technicznej, oświatowej, kształcenia studentów, działalności w zakresie ochrony środowiska, kultury fizycznej i sportu.
Fundacja podejmuje nastepujące działania:

1) wspomaganie rozwoju nauki, szkolnictwa wyższego, edukacji i oświaty;
2) wspomaganie rozwoju wynalazczości i innowacyjności;
3) rozwijanie kontaktów i współpracy między społecznościami akademickimi w zakresie nauki i oświaty;
4) realizowanie programów stypendialnych lub naukowych na rzecz studentów lub pracowników naukowych biorących udział w projektach badawczych, których stroną jest Akademia.

Pobierz statut fundacji

Members of the Foundation Council

Zbigniew Jagiełło

Professor Andrzej K. Koźmiński, PhD, DSc

KU Professor Aleksandra Przegalińska-Skierkowska, PhD, DSc

KU Professor Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič, PhD, DSc

KU Professor Marcin Piątkowski, PhD, DSc

KU Professor Bolesław Rok, PhD, DSc

Get in touch and let’s work together

Regardless of current challenges, difficulties, and uncertainties, we stay committed to the development of modern, responsible, and innovative business education. We believe that we are united by common goals and values. We’re convinced that together we can change the world for the better and make a positive impact — on the environment and the future. You are most welcome to get in touch with us. 


Sylwia Hałas-Dej, PhD

President of the Board of the KU Development Foundation
Dean of Kozminski Executive Business School


Iga Bala

Deputy Director of Development Office