Scholars of Panattoni


Wiktoria Piszczelska

My name is Wiktoria Piszczelska and I study Management. I am also involved in costume designing, photography and films. I love cooperating with people and arranging events related to creativity. I’ve chosen Kozminski University with regard to double-degree programs as well as high quality of education. The University makes it possible for me to study in international community where I see myself in the future professional life.  I intend to deal with international co-productions and promote Polish culture. I’m very happy to be one of the Panattoni scholarship recipients. I feel appreciated and recognized. The scholarship has given wings to my activity and work on new projects.

Michał Dzmitryeu

My name is Michał. I come from Belarus and I’ve found Warsaw to be my home for three years now. Entrepreneurship is my greatest passion and this is why I’ve chosen Kozminski University – a truly “new school for a new world”. Thanks to the scholarship program I have opened the door to new incredible opportunities. I have met inspiring people who push me to self-development I study management and I want to major in entrepreneurship. I’ve set up my own business where I design Internet pages  for clients which allows me to effectively develop my passion and gives me great satisfaction. I can see myself in the future in the following roles: a loving father, serial entrepreneur and an investor. If you want to have a chat, please write:

Maja Bodek

As a scholarship recipient I feel empowered to develop my competencies and I feel grateful for this opportunity. For many years now, as a project manager and mentor in NGOs, I have shared my experience and helped young people develop their agency. I have chosen Kozminski University because my ideas and my activities get here high quality support and knowledge. And these are most important to me. 😊

Oliwier Plamowski

I was born in Konin. I study Management at Kozminski University.

As a scholarship recipient I feel highly motivated and appreciated. The support I got has opened the door to new opportunities to fulfil my dreams. I have always been interested in motorization, and motorbikes in particular. I followed in my father’s footsteps, decided to become a motorcycle rider and to ride around the world. Good music, especially that by Elton John, always accompanies my rides.
I have chosen Kozminski University for its great prestige. This place is unique and it offers truly practical approach to studying. I believe that KU is the pass to my dream career.
I would like to become a world-class manager.

Angela Mozal

My name is Angela Mozal and I come from Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. I’m a law student at Kozminski University. I’m very happy about the possibility to use the awarded scholarship and, frankly, to me it’s great personal achievement. I’m involved in social activity on daily basis. It allows me to develop my other interests such as travelling and learning about other cultures. I’ve chosen Kozminski University because of its prestige and such possibilities as  Erasmus and student research groups. I think I would like to become a public prosecutor, nonetheless, I’m open to new experience and I believe that this study program will help me take the right decision as regards my career.

Maria Szymańska

My name is Marysia, I come from Wrocław, and I’m a first-year student of Management and Sociology in Media and Business.

I’m very happy as a scholarship recipient, I’m happy that Kozminski University can see my potential. I’m interested in art in every sense of the word, from theatre to painting. Ever since I can remember I have been involved in social work and I love doing good for the society. I have chosen Kozminski University because I wanted an interdisciplinary program which would include a lot of practice. I haven’t decided yet who I want to be in the future.  What I know well, however, is that the knowledge I’m gaining at KU will surely apply in my future professional life, no matter what career I will pursue.

Matylda Pacewicz

My name is Matylda and I come from Warsaw. I’m a part-time student of Psychology in business and management. I’m extremely happy that I have been awarded the Panattoni and the KU Development Foundation scholarship – it has made it possible to fulfil my dreams. On daily basis I’m engaged in education – I write books and prepare programs for school examinations (secondary school final exam and primary school final exam). Even though I would like to drive my career towards science, I have tried a lot of various professions so far, such as modelling, photography, running my own shop or organizing events. I have chosen Kozminski University because I can find here people  I can talk to and discuss on a variety of topics and this adds to my knowledge. I’m not sure who I want to be in the future, however, I know I want to try a lot of different things. Most probably it’s going to be something connected with science. 😊